Donnerstag, Juli 25, 2024

current financial support needs

 If you are interested, here is a link to our present missionary support needs:

Donnerstag, Juli 18, 2024

update july 2004

 Dear Friends,

Jason was invited to attend this year's Evangelical Free Church Inland Mission staff conference at the end of May. He had been asked to simply make himself available to the 30+ German church planters in attendance as an unofficial mentor and coach. There were times of learning, reflection, sharing, worship, prayer and fun together. He had a great time and was able to get to know several of them and share stories and lessons learned. It is so encouraging to see their passion and creativity. The Lord is definitely building his church in Germany!

Starting the english conversation group last fall has proven to be a wonderful way to meet new people and get to know them. The conversations on Sunday afternoons are never planned and end up covering a wide range of topics although we do try and steer clear of politics and religion. That being said, Jason has been able to share the gospel many times - in small doses - in a very relaxed way. Now he has felt led to start a second group on Tuesday mornings for seniors. Please pray for a good start and even more relationships to be started as we continue sharing about the hope that is within us.

Jason has had the Pastorenatelier for almost 12 years and God has blessed that ministry location many times over. But we want to share with you about a difficult challenge he has had from the beginning - the neighbors who live directly above him. They have complained about a variety of things that have happened there - but mostly about the “noise” that sometimes happens when there are ministry events. Early on, Jason had to block their email address because of their nasty words. He has tried to meet with them to talk, but they refuse and even decline to reciprocate a simple, polite “guten tag” at random encounters on the sidewalk or when taking the garbage out. The landlord, who is very supportive of Jason and his work in the Atelier, finally started suggesting that they look for another place to live as they tend to complain about all the other neighbors in the building with whom Jason has a good relationship. Recently he posted the words “is forgiveness possible?” on the side of his mailbox where everyone can see it as they enter the building. Please pray that the Lord would intervene and bring some kind of breakthrough with this couple.

Thank you for standing with us.

Jason and Sue

Sonntag, Mai 12, 2024

update may 2024

 Dear Friends,

In January, we had a great start of the English conversation group up after the new year, with 7 in attendance. After talking about what we did over the holidays, someone asked Jason about his feelings (prediction) about how 2024 will play out. He started out by saying that he thinks we always need to have hope. He then said that hope is more than wishful thinking and proceeded to tell them about the hope that Christ gives us. (Lesson from Evangelism 101: provide a service. invite people. let them ask you questions. answer them.)

Jason was asked to do the funeral for the friend of yet another neighbor. It was a freezing cold, clear, crisp day in January. He really doesn’t know them very well and didn't know the deceased at all, so he simply told them about the Lord and shared His word around the grave.  Pray for the seeds of the Gospel to take root in people's hearts and that God would comfort them in their grief.

Through Michelle, our local catholic priest and friend, we have found a new place for the church to meet, which we are presently testing. It is the fellowship hall of one of the nearby churches. The cool thing is that it is very close to the PastorenAtelier and all the contacts we have made over the last few years. We recently had our first service there.  To start with, we will only be there twice a month - but there is the possibility that this could increase as time goes by.  This is a great answer to our prayers, and we are hopeful for a long-term situation.

Jason cooked a big pot of lamb stew on Maundy Thursday for folks from the English conversation group, our small group, and our church - along with our special guest, Jon Burns, president of GEM. We had a blessed time of conversation and fellowship at the table in the PastorenAtelier closing with communion as we reflected on the last supper of Christ with his disciples. Please pray that God would continue to work in the lives of all who were present.

Another good question from the English conversation group recently: So why in the world did you come to Germany in the first place, Jason? He then told them about coming here as a young man to go to Bible School and in the process getting to know Germany as he travelled around with a music outreach group. He saw lots of amazing and beautiful church buildings but also the dearth of churches that were once vibrant, alive, and growing. He explained to them how we felt God calling us to come and be a part of changing that situation by starting new churches. A couple of them shared about their negative church experiences here as the others nodded agreement. When that happens, we always try to keep it personal and not take part in any church bashing. We didn't come here to criticize the existing church but rather - to offer an alternative and to share the gospel in word and deed.

Jason has been invited to attend this year's Evangelical Free Church Inland Mission staff conference, which will take place at the end of May. He has been asked to simply make himself available to the 30+ church planters in attendance as an unofficial mentor and coach. There will be times of learning, reflection, sharing, worship, and prayer together. The theme of this year's conference is a play on German words that translate to: ”He builds”, which are based on a quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer: "No man builds the church, but Christ alone. Whoever wants to build the church is certainly already at work destroying it; for he will build an idolatrous temple without wanting to and without knowing it. We are to confess - HE builds. We should proclaim - HE is building. We should pray to him - HE is building.” Please pray for good connections at this conference for the sake of the Gospel and the church Christ is building in Germany.

Your Servants,

Sue and Jason