Mittwoch, Oktober 02, 2024

update october 2024

 Dear Friends,

Here is an update of what has been going on in our lives and ministry.

Seminary Celebration
We recently had the joy to be a part of the Giessen School of Theologie (FTH) 50 year celebration where Jason is on the board.  On Friday night there was a moving presentation of the history of the school - dating back to it's roots in GEM. On Saturday there was an open house for the general public. Hundreds of visitors enjoyed tours, mini lectures from some of the faculty, a bouncy castle and much more.  It was a great day with wonderful weather. The growth of the school and and the impact it has in Germany and beyond are unbelievable.  Praise God with us for his rich blessing on this vital institution.


The Eyes have it!
As many of you know, Sue had eye surgery (cataracts) last month. We are so thankful for all your prayers. She is recovering well. The whole healing process takes 6-8 weeks, so she is going to need a lot of patience as her eyes and brain adjust to the new lenses. She is amazed at how bright and vibrant the world is. Please continue to pray for optimal vision at the end of all this.

Closing a Chapter
15 years ago, along with a group of creative people, we started a church planting experiment we called the “Cologne Project” (Kölnprojekt). We felt led to start a free church incorporating liturgical worship services with modern expressions. It was wonderful to try new things and before long we built a network of local jazz musicians who played in our services. The focus was on God’s Word, simple worship with lot’s of candles, liturgy and jazz.

The church grew slowly but steadily. We didn’t attract many believers - probably due to our approach - but that was fine with us. We hoped to reach unbelievers and people who grew up in a traditional church, but had lost their way. Then came the corona lockdown. People left the church. We tried to win them back but to no avail. Those that remained were faithful and we all loved gathering together. But alas, the challenge of continuing the experiment became something that we all began to question. And so, after much prayer, we decided to close the church down. Our last celebratory worship service was September 29.



We are sad but also thankful for all that the Lord has done. The investment in people’s lives remains eternal. A German Christian leader told Jason recently that they are so thankful for people like us that are willing to take risks and try creative new things - many of which may not be long-term, but through which we all learn and many are reached with the Gospel.

Opening a New Chapter
Jason will continue doing outreach and discipleship through the Pastorenatelier, where he has become an accessible pastor and counselor for a large part of Nippes, the quarter of Cologne that we live in.  His pastor’s heart will not be stilled, so starting October 6 he will be offering a biweekly reflective hour at the Pastorenatelier on Sundays, with Scripture readings, impulses, prayers and music as an outreach ministry to the people of Nippes and greater Cologne.  Please pray that many would be spoken to, who would normally not consider attending a regular church service.

Additionally, he is again taking an active roll in mentoring German pastors and church-planters in the region.  He has been invited by the Ev. Free Church of Germany to take on this roll, but he will also offer his services beyond to other denominations.  His many years as a pastor and church planter, along with his extensive network and contacts make him especially suited for this roll.  He will also continue his participation on the board of the seminary.

The Current 8-year Plan
We’re not getting any younger! These ministries will continue for the next 4 years in Germany. We are then planning to move our household and ministry back to the US and settle in the Denver area, close to our oldest son, Sam. From there Jason will continue the mentoring remotely with at least 3 trips per year to Germany to visit church planters - coinciding with the Seminary board meetings. He will also get involved with the Friends of the Giessen School of Theology in the US, helping to raise funds and promote the school and also help out the GEM mobilization department - with a focus on Germany.

We are very grateful for your faithful support over the years. We thank the Lord for using us in the lives of so many people. Your partnership has been essential. We are in need of additional support. If you are interested, here is a link to our present missionary support need. We are eager to see how this next chapter will unfold.

Thankfully yours,

Jason and Sue