Donnerstag, Februar 07, 2008

February Prayer Letter

Feb. 6, 2008

Dear Friends,
God is working through the City Mentoring Program (CMP). Please check out our 5 minute video update filling you in on the latest:

Pray for the CMP board meeting this weekend - that God would give us wisdom and faith as we plan for nation-wide impact.

The Consultation for Church Planting on Nov 17 in Frankfurt was a success. We all agreed to meet again in the spring. Please pray for the planning meeting scheduled for March 20. We do not want to be content with just meeting and communicating - as good as that is. We want to see concrete collaborative, cross-denominational efforts that result in exponential growth in church planting in Germany!

Pray for Wolfgang & Petra, Paul & Anna in Hennef as they continue to lay the foundation for the church plant there. They are planning to start "test worship services" every 6-8 weeks this spring and are looking at launching the church this
summer. Pray for our next meeting on Feb. 18.

Don't forget to keep praying for Sascha and Anke Ruetzenhof as they work toward the church plant in Moenchengladbach. After a lot of networking in Moenchengladbach, Sascha felt it was time to see if he could pull a start team together. He sent out an invitiation to an informational meeting hoping and praying that at least 10 people would come. The following day he called me with the great news that 20 people came! Pray for him as he is in the process of getting to know these people better with a view to selecting a few to make up his core group.

Please be in prayer for Sue as she speaks on Feb 16 to women attending a new womens ministry designed to encourage younger women in their spiritual and personal growth. Pray that God would use Sue in a powerful way in the lives of these women.

We had a wonderful Christmas with Roy and Sam and Heidi (Sam's girlfriend) in Cologne.
Please continue to pray for them as they work and go to school and consider their futures. Here is a picture taken Christmas day (from left to right: Jason, Sue, Roy, Heidi and Sam.)

We would like to say a special thank you to all those who supported us in 2007. We are grateful for the ongoing support as well as the special year end gifts. God has provided for us in a wonderful way through you! Thank you so much for standing with us as we minister and serve in Germany!

Jason and Sue

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