Donnerstag, Juni 30, 2005

Letter from Roy - Summer missions trip

June 2005

Dear Family and Friends,
A year ago I said that school and dorm life were good, but also hard and challenging. This year has been even more so. Leading a dorm small group and the student street evangelization team to the city of Basel were rewarding but also afforded some huge learning experiences along with the challenges of studies.

Back in the fall I considered joining the school on one of their many mission trips during spring break, but after prayer and deliberation with my parents, we decided that I needed a rest instead. Now I clearly see it as God’s plan. My Grandfather, Roy (Bud) Holm (yes, I was named after him) died in March and Dad spent the whole break in the U.S. for the funeral and attending to personal matters. God had planned for me to be at home in Cologne with my Mom to work through this loss.

NOW He has provided an opportunity to join a mission trip to Poland, July 23-August 5, which I am really excited about. I will be going with GEM Euroteam to several towns in the vicinity of Warsaw to help them teach grade school children basic English with a program called “Imagin’Air”. Following is a description of the program (check it out at

“Imagin’Air is a TEFL activity to help children begin their discovery of English in a fun and non-threatening environment using music, video, live puppetry, games and lessons adapted for children 5-10 years old. During the five sessions, the children will be guided by a team comprised of native English speakers we call the Imagin’Air flight crew and of local children’s workers serving as tour guides for the kids as they take a make-believe journey to places where children speak English. European parents see English as an important tool for their children’s future. We believe that their moral and spiritual development is even more important. The curriculum is shaped by a foundation for life and learning found in the Bible. Each day, children will hear related stories and lessons that illustrate the importance of knowing the forgiveness and leadership of God in their lives. Imagin’Air was conceived to sensitively but clearly communicate the truth of the Gospel message. Out of respect for families not familiar with the claims of Christ and the Church, special activities are planned each day to inform and include parents in what is being presented to their children.”

We will run through the one-week program twice. I am very much looking forward to this chance to do what is near and dear to my heart. This trip means more than just an outlet and development of the gift of evangelization that God has given me. I believe that it will be an opportunity to learn more about becoming dependent on God and drawing closer to him.

The big question mark that remains is finances. The expenses for the trip are $900 including transportation. I did not have the chance to start fundraising early, since I was invited to join shortly before the end of school. Yet I believe that this is God’s will and that He will provide. Would you to consider contributing to this project AND praying? Thank you.

In His love,

Roy Holm

If you would like to contribute, please make your check out to Greater Europe Mission and mark it for ROY HOLM – Poland Imagin’Air Project, and send to:

Greater Europe Mission
18950 Base Camp Road
Monument, CO 80132


Greater Europe Mission

100 Ontario Street
Oshawa, ON L1G 4Z1

Or - you can donate online by clicking the link at the right!