Mittwoch, November 29, 2017

November update

Dear Friends,
We are lingering in a Thanksgiving mode as we thank the Lord for His provision for us - through 26 years in Germany and through this current 4 week, 3000 mile road trip. Many of you have prayed for us and have encouraged us along the way. We have seen much (but not yet all!) of our needed financial support come in (see below) as people have committed to partnering with us.

One of the stories that we have been sharing is that of the L family from Afghanistan. R and H are brothers who,along with their aging mother and combined 6 children, fled the Taliban to Iran, where they found a measure of safety, but were still despised because of their ethnicity.  They decided to flee to Europe but were imprinsoned for a month in Turkey - women and children separated from the men, not knowing what was going on. Then they were deported back to Afghanistan. Facing the daily threat of kidnapping and/or murder, they tried again and made it through Turkey to Greece, on through the Balkans and eventually to Germany, to our neighborhood and into our hearts.

They enrolled in the German classes we hold in my Studio and we began to become friends. Earlier this year, they were enthralled for two hours as we showed the Jesus film in their language, Dari. We have helped them with their paperwork and gathered used furniture when R was able to move into a drafty, rundown apartment with his wife and two children.  One of our GEM colleagues and E helped them install their kitchen. Eventually, they invited us all over for a meal to thank us for the help. R and H have also attended one of our worship services.

We have invited R and his wife, Z, and their two children to our house for our Christmas Eve meal next month, along with our colleagues who speak Dari. Please pray that as we share the greatest gift of all, Emanuel, God with us, for the Spirit to open their hearts and minds to receive Christ’s love and forgiveness.

We have one week to go on our road trip. Please pray with us that the remaining needed support will come in by Wednesday Dec. 6 when we fly back to Germany.

  • We need just 13 additional partners who will commit to $100 per month. Or 26 partners at $50 per month. Or four new partners at $325 per month.  Or two new partners at $650 per month!
  • $1,000/mo. of the support needed is designated to the ongoing monthly expense of renting and maintaining the Studio, which is the hub of much of our ministry activity.
  • Those who have been praying for us in this regard - perhaps God is nudging you to be a part of the answer to your prayers!
  • If all of our 83 individual supporters were to increase their regular giving by just 15% - we would meet our goal! Our costs go up every year. What about our giving?
  • Those who have given at the end of the year in the past but have never pledged to do so, would you please consider making this year’s gift the first installment of ongoing support for us by letting us know your intentions.

With grateful hearts,
Jason and Sue

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